Saturday, September 19, 2009

Walnuts, Walnuts, Walnuts!

(For the full effect, the title should be said to the cadence of "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!")

I'm hoping we have reached the peak of the Great Walnut Drop of 2009. I can't imagine it could get worse than this. I do live in Walnut View, so I shouldn't be surprised. The walnut tree isn't even actually is in my yard. It just so graciously leans over my fence to drop its plethora of produce.

This morning I tried to mow. Last week was a little painful, but today was nearly downright impossible. The walnuts squish and get stuck under the mower, in the wheels, under the wheels. Plus my yard is a pretty decent slope. With my push mower, it was all I could do to keep going. At one point I stopped and considered going to buy a new self-propelled mower.

I figure I got a good workout at least. Too bad I had already done my hour-long Total Body Blast workout!

Friday, September 18, 2009


As I have now officially retired after nearly seven years as a road warrior, I figured I spend a few minutes reflecting on where I've been. While I do not have detailed records, I estimate I have:

  • Traveled through 37 airports, three of them at least 30 times (Memphis, Midway, Milwaukee).
  • Traveled to 20 client sites in 13 states, including 5 in Illinois. (That doesn't seem that much when you look at it...)
  • Traveled to three countries (Grand Cayman, Canada, and Australia).
  • Only traveled west for work one time.
  • Flown on 10 different airlines.
  • Lived in two furnished apartments.
  • Never missed a flight, despite two near misses, once to Canada and once to Milwaukee.
  • Had four flights cancelled, three of them in Melbourne and one due to the Midway plane crash.
  • Bailey and Riley made two trips during this time, one to live in Memphis and one to live in Overland Park while I was in Australia.

I have enjoyed traveling but grew tired of missing out on so many things during the week. Thanks to Bailey and Riley for their patience, and to mom and especially dad for paying daily visits to them for years. Now it is on to full-time cube life.

Rookie Mistakes

Last Thursday, my last work-related airplane trip for a long while (fingers crossed) I made two rookie mistakes.

When I went through security, they asked if they could re-run my bag. As soon as they asked, I remembered that I had a set of silverware that I had taken when I packed up my desk and had intended to put in my suitcase. Of course, I forgot that last part. They carefully examined my knife and finally decided it would pass but warned me that next time, I might not be so lucky.

Then, I left my journal on the plane, in the seat pocket. Of course I didn't realize this until I got home. After about 15 phone calls to the Executive service center, and baggage services in Milwaukee, KC, and DC (where it ultimately ended up), I tracked it down. Actually they tracked me down. Luckily I had randomly stuck my boarding pass stub inside, so someone from DC called me to say they had it. So Monday, my first Monday of not going to the airport this year, I had to drive to the airport and pick up my journal. But unlike losing my keys on the plane a few years ago, this one has a happy ending.

Milwaukee Summary

As of last Thursday, I am finished in Milwaukee. I figured I'd pull together some details about my nearly nine month stay there.
  • 95 hotel nights in 18 different rooms, only having my room cleaned one day, and seven suite upgrades
  • 31 rental cars, including 13 Ford Focuses (but luckily only one that talked)
  • 31000 flight miles on 62 planes, with only one near miss
  • An estimated 44 Midwest chocolate chip cookies
  • A temperature swing of about 95 degrees, from January to August
  • 4 Brewers games
  • 2 shoe-related snafus (here and here)
  • Long enough to see the Pick 'n Sa
    Publish Post
    ve completely remodeled and the Halloween store re-open for the season.
  • Regrettably not long enough to see the Panda Express open in the food court.
If I think of more, I may be adding to this post. In the meantime, farewell to MKE!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tiny Walgreens

On my way to work, I drive by this tiny Walgreens. Have you ever seen a Walgreens this tiny?

Well, it turns out the Walgreens is actually next door. This is a beauty supply store that is built to match the Walgreens, sorta like a play Walgreens in the backyard of the big one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Deja Vu

I'm pretty sure that I had the same rental car two weeks ago that I have this week. I remember it had no remote and you have to push the lock button twice. But what sealed the deal was the radio stations. They are the same radio stations I program in every car, in order. It's a random selection of things, including NPR. Who else would do that?

I Broke My Own Rule

I have always had a rule, or more of a guideline I guess, not to wear or display anything that indicates my employer when I'm traveling. Too many people either work there, or want to talk about working there, and I don't want to talk about it. Today I was rushed because I couldn't wear what I had picked out to wear due to an unsightly and previously unnoticed spot on the front. So I grabbed a sweater bearing the logo of my employer. Bad idea. People on the shuttle asked me, people in the check-in line asked me, and people on the plane noticed. That's what I get for breaking my rule. Next week I'll just stay home ;)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Small Bathroom

It has been a while since I've had a bathroom-inspired post. It's about time. I wasn't going to write about this, but after being in the same room for the second week, it begs to be said.

Could the toilet be any closer to the wall? There is no room, and you have to hyperextend your elbow to reach the toilet paper. I can understand if it was just small and cramped, but there must be three and a half feet between the toilet and the bathtub.

Airport Obstacle Course

Today as I was passing through General Mitchell for the second-to-last time, I realized how much it seems like an obstacle course. From the parking garage, I go up the elevator to the third floor. Across the sky bridge, through the lobby. Bypass the couple with the books – “Free book on Jesus. He died to save you.” Down the escalator, past the baggage screening area, to the kiosk, back to the baggage screening area to drop off the bag, up the escalator. “Free book on Jesus. He died to save you.” Through security. Shoes off, sweater off, laptop out, zip computer bag. Walk through. Shoes on, sweater on, unzip laptop bag, laptop in.”

Past the shoe shine guy “Shine ‘em up, shine ‘em up. We do ladies shoes too!” [Can you polish patent leather?] Down the hall past the credit card hawker. “Midwest Mastercard – get a free round trip.”

Finally, arrive at the gate. Whew! Next week, repeat!