Monday, June 15, 2009

Suite Karma

After my week in the tiny room, I have been rewarded with a king suite this week. However, the ongoing construction that usually ends each day at 4:00 is ongoing. They seem to be digging a very large hole right outside. The aforementioned king suite is on the second floor on the front, right above the street where they are working. It is 9:20 and they best be wrapping up soon.

In other news, I walked down to the lake for the first time. I had read about the free trolley and figured I could walk as far as I want and then catch the trolley back. The part about the trolley running Wednesday - Sunday failed to register with me. I think I just figured they were saying the hours were long on those days. Nope, no trolley on Monday. So I had to walk all the way back. At least I got my exercise.

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