Monday, November 9, 2009

How Much Does a Scrapbook Weigh?

A ton, if it is in the form of years and years of stuff waiting to be put in a scrapbook. I have, on occasion, had bursts of creativity and gone all out with scrapbooking. However, this rarely happens. Most of the time, I just continue to collect stuff in shoe boxes, waiting for the day I feel compelled to get working, and never able to find anything in all the shoe boxes.

Well, this weekend I was relieved of much of that burden. I've decided it doesn't have to all be at the level of my other stuff. I just would like it to be in order and out of the boxes. So I bought a bunch of 2 inch notebooks and now I'm working on getting everything in the notebook in order. Some things get hole-punched, some things just go in plastic sleeves.

It isn't elegant, but it would allow me to find something if I was looking for it. The three-ring notebooks allow me to add things in if I find something, or move stuff into another notebook if it gets too full. And someday, if I have a burst of creativity, I can move up to something more fancy. And the pictures stay in their photo albums.

I feel like I've been freed from the weight of all these potential scrapbooks. I still have a long way to go to get everything in, but I emptied three shoe boxes and one giant box. So here's to my new plan!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Yeah, mmm hmm. I've tried this sort of thing before. Let me know how it works out for you.