Monday, June 15, 2009

Suite Karma

After my week in the tiny room, I have been rewarded with a king suite this week. However, the ongoing construction that usually ends each day at 4:00 is ongoing. They seem to be digging a very large hole right outside. The aforementioned king suite is on the second floor on the front, right above the street where they are working. It is 9:20 and they best be wrapping up soon.

In other news, I walked down to the lake for the first time. I had read about the free trolley and figured I could walk as far as I want and then catch the trolley back. The part about the trolley running Wednesday - Sunday failed to register with me. I think I just figured they were saying the hours were long on those days. Nope, no trolley on Monday. So I had to walk all the way back. At least I got my exercise.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life in the Tiny Room

This week I am in the smallest room yet at this hotel. Apparently they are very full this week. I always wondered why I hadn't been in this room. It is because it is TINY! The bathroom and closet take up half the room. There is one queen bed and just enough space to walk around it. No chair. Not to mention I am back at the end of the hall where there is no cell phone service. You know I get more hits on my blog from people searching about "towels are kinda scratchy verizon" or "what does towels are kinda scratchy mean" than anything else. Here it is: Room 807.

In other news, I met the general manager of the hotel tonight. She said she has been seeing my name on the arrival list for awhile and was thrilled to meet me and put a face to a name. I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.

Oh, and it is 55 degrees. Seriously. June 10. Get with the program.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Waiting Out a Tornado Warning in the Bathroom

Yesterday afternoon around 4:00, there was a lot of scuffle in the office about a tornado warning. I don't sit close enough to the window to have heard the sirens, but there was a lot of chatter. Our administrator came by and said we all had to go to the bathrooms, which are in the middle of the floor. (Mind you we were still on the second floor). So in we went. There were probably about 20 people in the bathroom. Luckily it was late in the day (yes, that's late around this place) so many people had left.

It was short-lived and we dispersed shortly after. Actually I believe the message was that we had the option to return to our desks or remained crammed in the bathroom. Not a hard choice!

Monday, June 8, 2009

You're On the Wrong Plane

This morning as we were nearly finished boarding the flight, the gate attendant came on and made a announcement for Laurel X (names have been changed to protect the embarrassed) to report to the gate agent. No one got up. He makes another announcement saying this time, "Laurel X, please come see me at the gate. You're on the wrong plane!" Of course she is seated nearly at the back and has to walk past every one, knowing they are all thinking how you could end up on the wrong plane. Better her than me!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Uh Oh!

Today I actually ripped my shoe. I have trouble with these shoes being slippery and as I was walking down the hall with my lunch, my shoe slid and my foot turned sideways. It felt weird but I had no hands because I was carrying my lunch so didn't stop. When I got back to my desk I discovered it had actually ripped. I managed to wear them the rest of the day, but bummer! If I can't wear them, it is flip flops or tennis shoes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What Language is This?

This is a really blurry picture. (apparently it is really hard to take a picture of your cell phone...) Anywho, I have Facebook mobile installed on the bat phone and today, it is rendering in a font that includes lots of happy faces, shapes, and what look like little mailboxes. Not sure what I could have selected to get that. I confess, I did try out Pirate English on my regular facebook awhile back, but this is pushing it.

If anybody speaks this language and can help me find the "Switch to English" link, please comment.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Air Travel Hardship

After takeoff this morning, the flight attendant announced that due to service limitations on the ground in KC, they were unable to obtain the proper provisions for our flight. Read: no granola bars! Luckily I had a spare one in my purse.

P.S. Temperature upon arrival in Milwaukee: 80. Temperature upon leaving work six hours later: 53. Temp now: 46.