Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Please Disturb

Today I had my room cleaned for the first time since I've implemented my new policy. I was tricked into it because there was no Do Not Disturb sign. I turned off all the lights when I left this morning. When I got back at 8:30 tonight, EVERY light in the suite was on, even the bathroom. I guess it is supposed to be welcoming, but it isn't very energy efficient.

I did get a new tiny mouthwash. Not sure if that's worth much.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nice Job on the Practice Run. Now For Real...

Everything went smoothly on my way to the airport and checking in. The flight was looking to be on time and just when I thought the gate attendant was picking up the speaker to announce we were boarding, she said these words: "Sorry everyone, but I need you to evacuate the terminal." Everyone groaned. She mutters "My thoughts, exactly." So out we all went.

After standing outside for about ten minutes they announce a false alarm and that we can all proceed back inside. The lady behind me laments that she'll have to get out her drivers license again. As if that was the biggest inconvenience.

So in we go and all get in line for security, which at this point snakes clear back past the ticket counter. I luckily was near the middle of the line. They were courteous enough to announce they were holding the flight. Ya think?

You would think having just been through security would have put the rules fresh in everyone's mind. But we still had a large assortment of "What do you mean I can't have my cell phone in my pocket/wear my parka/bring in my water... and I have to take my shoes off???"

Gradually we all boarded the flight and took off only a half hour late after all that. Good thing we practiced.

Oh, and it is 51 degrees in Milwaukee, but I did get upgraded to a suite. Go figure it is for my shortest trip yet.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I did something this morning I haven't done in years. Someone woke me up around 5:00 but I wasn't ready to get up and decided to wait for my alarm to go off at 6:00 a.m. I drifted back to sleep, woke up once or twice, but because the sun rises so early, there is now a glare on my alarm clock from the windows over my bed. Had that glare not been there, a near-crisis could have been averted.

Finally I woke up and decided I should check the clock to see how much longer. Come to find out it is 6:48 a.m. Holy $h@T! This is approximately eleven minutes and thirty seconds before I need to leave for the airport. Riley just stared at me while I took the world's fastest shower and got dressed. Luckily I was mostly packed last night.

I made it out the door at 7:09 a.m. I got in line at the airport but of course everybody there had either imagined they booked their tickets, was checking in a dog, or their suitcase was 18 pounds overweight. So it was a slow line. Luckily they held the flight open and I checked in at 8:05 a.m., went through security, and walked on the plane. If only my timing was always so perfect. Don't think I'll chance it next time!