Friday, December 31, 2010

The 2010 Found Money Project

I've always wondered how much money I make from picking up coins off the ground. Well, this year I found out. The grand total of money I found for 2010 is $31.02. This includes one wheat penny, and after some spot checking, wheat pennies can be worth about $.03.

I should mention this includes a one-time haul of $20 from a $20 bill I found blowing in the Price Chopper parking lot. As it blew past me, I stepped on it and looked around to see if anyone was chasing it. No one was evident and I couldn't tell where it might have come from. Alas, I had to keep it. So perhaps this year was not a representative sample.

In other news from 2010, which does not warrant its own post, I have now flossed my teeth for 364 days in a row. This is probably more times than I have flossed in the rest of my life. How's that for great achievements?

Happy end of 2010 to everyone!

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