Monday, August 23, 2010

Australia Take 2 - Part 1

My blog is turning into a bit of a travelogue since that seems to be all I've posted lately. I'm going to break the Australia trip up into a few different posts since it is a bit long. I added a few pictures, although i didn't take very many. I pretty much took everything last time!

Friday, August 13, 2010
Mom dropped me off at the airport about 12:30, and the temperature was around 100 degrees. The good news was the agent was able to check my bag all the way to Sydney. Last time I had to pick it up and recheck in LA. Both my flight from Kansas City and my flight from Denver to LA where uneventful. It was 75 degrees in Denver, and 65 degrees in LA. Both planes were packed but not too long. On the first leg, we had Jack the rabbit on our tale, and the pilot said it was one of the most popular planes. I didn’t see the animal on the second plane. As I was sitting on the plane waiting to take off in KC, I realized one thing I forgot – my badge. They had tried to set it up so my security card would work in the office here, but now we’ll never know. I’ll have to wait until 8:30 when reception opens to get in on Monday. Hopefully that’s the most critical thing I forgot because I can live without it.

I had more time in Denver than expected but found an outlet and was able to use my computer. I wanted to save my battery not knowing what the next 24 hours would hold.

In LA, I got checked in for my Sydney flight around 6:30 and then had about 3 hours to kill. I ate dinner at McDonald’s as the choices were limited. I’m glad I ate before going in the terminal past security because there is nothing back there. I bought my two liter bottles of water and hung out waiting to board.

The plane was a new Airbus 380, although I didn’t notice anything dramatically different from the747. I think the TV screen was a little bigger and was a touch screen. I watched almost all of Shrek 4 before we ever took off. About an hour in I realized we hadn’t even moved from the gate. Eventually we got underway. I had an aisle seat with no one in the middle, which was fabulous. The window guy only got up one time that I’m aware of, and it was after I was already up.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
I slept restlessly for about 6 hours and then watched Leap Year, Date Night, and Hot Tub Time Machine, none of which go on my favorites list. I woke up once when it got a little bumpy and heard the captain tell all passengers and crew to take their seats immediately. It must have smoothed out pretty quicly. The sun was coming up just as we were landing in Sydney, although it was on the other side of the plane. They do have skycams, like a webcam, on the tail of the plane so you can see the plane landing.

Customs was no problem, and I had to wait in the quarantine line because of my food but she waved me on through without checking anything. It was only about 7:30 a.m. when I got out into the terminal. I went outside for a minute and it was about 55 degrees at that point. Sitting there near the Arrivals gate I was reminded of all the time I spent greeting others’ flights when they came to visit.

Very strange being back here. I can’t quite describe the feeling. It’s weird to me that a place so far away is so familiar to me, definitely the city I know the best besides Kansas City. Everywhere I look are memories, and I think what I’m feeling is still just proud of myself that I came here in the first place. That I made a life here from nothing. I don’t think I really thought when I left that I’d have the chance to come back.

So while it is all familiar, I still have the urge to go and see all the places again. Even when I bought a Diet Coke at the airport and it cost $4.80, it felt familiar. I had about 3 hours to kill until I could drop my suitcase off and I was limited on what I could do while lugging around 50 pounds. The best thing I could think of was to take the train to Circular Quay and find a bench there where I could park until 11:00. I bought a train ticket (a weekly one so I’m free to go anywhere I want for seven days). As I was walking from the train station looking for a bench, I noticed the Manly ferry was leaving in about 3 minutes. Since I’ve already bought my weekly train pass, it is good on ferries and I spontaneously hopped on. I figured that way I could see some things, mostly sitting down, and not have to worry so much about my luggage. And there is a bathroom and free wifi on this ferry! I sent mom and dad and email from the ferry.

I turned around at Manly and came right back on the ferry. From there I found a bench in Circular Quay where I could sit with my luggage and watch the seagulls. It was in the sun so it was warmer. It was right by where mom, dad, and I ate muffins and had all those seagulls around on the morning we went out to Watson’s Bay. It was bright and sunny and didn’t look a bit like rain.

At 10:45, I took the train to Wynyard and then got the train to Milson’s Point to drop my bags off at 11:00 at the Milson Apartments. The office is usually closed on Sunday but the manager had emailed to say she would be in to meet the cleaners and could watch my bags. When I got there, she gave me the good news that my apartment was ready and took me on up. It is on the eleventh floor but on the opposite side of the building from last time, the side facing the bridge (which I can’t see) and the old office. I do have a nice view of Kirribilli. It is a little smaller than last time but still better than a regular hotel room. The fridge is a mini fridge in a cabinet near the kitchenette, while in the kitchenette is a washer/dryer in one. The dishwasher is in a drawer, and it has a combination microwave and oven.

It’s still a great deal and they even offer broadband internet now. She said it was in such demand, they had to figure out a way to do it. When she let me into my apartment, there was extremely loud music coming from next door. She said those people were supposed to be moving out today after getting a one-week extension, so we’ll see if it gets quieter.

I took a shower and headed back out. As I walked outside, it started raining so I went back up to get my umbrella. Then I did my favorite walk ever, across the bridge into the city, my old commute. I went to the Rocks market, which was crowded, and then just as it started to pour, I got in line at Pancakes on the Rocks. I even heard thunder, which I hardly ever heard here. I had to wait about 20 minutes to get in, but it was yummy. I splurged and got an orange Fanta ice cream soda. I drank more orange Fanta when I lived here than the rest of my life total.

I took just long enough to eat that the rain had stopped when I left. I bought a tiny Harbour bridge in the market and then walked from there to go by my apartment. A lady asked me where the Australian Hotel was and I told her, although my street names were a little rusty, and she says “You’re American!” I guess she was surprised. I couldn’t go in my lobby without a key card, but I went into the entryway where the mailboxes are. Pretty weird! There is now a Nando’s chicken restaurant directly across the street, which would have been nice.

I walked down to Darling Harbour and across the Pyrmont bridge. I went through Harbourside and waved hello to the other Pancakes on the Rocks. By the way, there is still a sign up at the original Pancakes on the Rocks saying the Darling Harbour location is now open. True, but it opened while I lived here so that is old news.

I walked through Darling Harbour down where we had seen the didgeridoo show. I was a little confused until I realized they had closed that entire side behind Tumbalong Park. There used to be an arcade, McDonald’s, and some shops. And the pond with the paddleboats. All of that is walled off for redevelopment.

I walked quickly through Paddy’s Market but it was super crowded as always. From there I walked up George Street and then bought some groceries at Woolworths. It was only 3:30 but my feet had had enough for awhile so I took the train from Town Hall back to Milsons Point.

The ferry terminal at Milsons Point is closed for renovations, so I can’t take the ferry from here to Darling Harbour like I had planned. It is now 4:30 and I am sitting in my apartment listening to the loud music from next door. I did managed to get the internet to work. The great thing is I can use it anywhere in the city, not just at home, although not sure how much need I’ll having being here just a week.

I cooked my lasagna and garlic bread and started watching Up. By 6:00 it was completely dark. At 7:00, I decided I couldn’t stay awake a minute longer and went to bed.

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