Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 6 - Grant Village, Yellowstone

Our hope for no rain did not pan out. It wasn't cold but we did wake up to a steady drizzle and a soaked tent with puddles on the floor. Most of our stuff was dry but the edges of the sleeping bags were wet. I also discovered I had a sandwich with bag with some sandwich crusts in my pants pocket, but luckily no bears were interested.

We got everything into the car with the tent in a trash bag because it was so wet and we were on our way at 7:30, hoping to go to a drier Yellowstone. We stopped on our way out to take a picture of both of us by the Glacier sign. It rained all morning until at least past Missoula. We stopped for lunch at a rest stop somewhere before Butte. The afternoon was more driving. The big excitement was when we stopped at a grocery store to buy hamburger. The car in front of us when we pulled in was from Hawaii, so we marked that one off. Six are left - Washington DC, Delaware, Rhode Island, West Virginia, South Carolina, and Mississippi.

After shopping we made our usual mid-afternoon stop for ice cream, then headed down 191 to West Yellowstone. There was some construction but it didn't slow us down too much. We stopped in West Yellowstone to buy propane. It cost $4.79, but that was better than $9.09 at Apgar Village. It was about 4:00 when we headed into the park through the West entrance. To demonstrate what a small world it is, the car in front of us into the park was from Johnson County. Go figure. We saw two moose pretty soon after we got in the park. All the campgrounds are full so I'm glad we have reservations.

On the way to Grant Village, we stopped at Fountain Pain Pots. They are really weird! I don't remember really grasping how weird all of this is the last time I was here. We passed on Old Faithful for today so we could get our wet tent set up and drying. We are in a tent only loop so hopefully it is quiet. Lisa went for a run and I started some water boiling. We are at 7700 feet so figured it might take awhile. It is weird that we are so much higher than we every were in Glacier. There is a 40% chance of rain tomorrow so we'll hope for the best for our one day in Yellowstone. In other news, we've crossed the Continental Divide three times today. Where the fire was, there are now lots of young trees.

Dinner tonight was chili burger supper. I made way too much but it tasted okay. The best part was for the the first time ever, there were no beans! After we got all the dishes washed, we drove down to take our first shower since Monday morning. It costs $2 for six minutes of hot water. There were lots of showers and they were clean. After we showered we bought some wood and had our first campfire. We made s'mores and enjoyed the heat because it is already pretty cool. But so far it is clear and we can see an amazing number of stars. I'm hoping that means no rain!

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