Thursday, December 17, 2009

Not this time!

Today, for the first time in many months, I got gas BEFORE the gas light came on. For whatever reason lately, I've been waiting for the light to make me stop for gas. Part of my theory on why - Mom always told me to never get below a quarter tank of gas, and I followed that advice for years. But the car I have now doesn't have a quarter tank mark, only half tank. So it isn't as obvious. Or maybe I'm just lazy...

Friday, December 11, 2009

How Bailey Enjoys the Christmas Tree

Bailey uses the Christmas tree differently than I do. Her preferred way is to climb up in the tree, remove one of the branches and sit on it, as you see here. In this case she pulled down a branch with the lights still attached. You can't really tell in the picture, but the lights are on, shining right in her face.

She also likes to run from across the room and scatter the fuzzy reindeer under neath tree. I believe she has help in that activity.

Perhaps Bailey needs her own blog. I'm not sure she has quite as much to show off as Maru, my favorite cat blog. Maru is Japanese.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Spatially Challenged

Phase 10 is complete! For those of you not tracking phases, that is the sheetrock on the ceiling. But this phase pointed out one of my most serious skill gaps. I consider myself a fairly capable person and I can figure most things out. But I am seriously challenged when it comes to "spatial" things. Not that I bump into things. But if one side of the sheetrock needs to be shorter than the other or one edge needs a hole cut out, I can not visualize the sheetrock going up to the bathroom and onto the ceiling well enough to know which side is which.

The only way I can make it work is to lay it down the exact way it will go up and face the same way. Then I can be somewhat sure I'm right, but I'm never confident enough. Now I know why Joey needs to be "in the map." (Strangely enough, I do okay with maps...)

I also now have a window that doesn't require a trash bag to cover it. Maybe I already reported that.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This bathroom project is creating all sorts of adventures for Bailey. Last night we were outside installing the exhaust fan and I looked up and Bailey is walking around the deck. I grabbed her and sent her back inside. I couldn't believe she could have gotten out without us knowing.

Later I found out the back door and the outside door of the garage were open and she got out that way. At least she had the sense to walk up near where we were so I could seize her! Riley spent the next two hours growling, hissing, and being puffed about it.