Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Is Your Car Not Telling You?

After last week's incident of the car talking too much, this week I found out my own car had been keeping a secret for almost six years. Six years I've had the car and never knew that the back seats not only lay forward, they also flip up, creating lots more space for hauling.

Not that big a deal to most people, but I was dumbfounded that I never knew. I only found out when I was vacuuming. The dumb part is there is a three step picture that shows that on the back of the seats, but I always assumed it had to do with attaching the child seats. Why didn't my car announce that while I was driving down the road. "Hey, by the way, the seats fold up!" Who knew!

And then I found five dollars. No, really, I did. It was on the floor at the mall where I get dinner.

1 comment:

Sally said...

You really found $5? It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase.