Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shine 'Em Up?

I don't think I get the concept of having your shoes shined. There is a very persistent guy in the airport that I walk past every week. "Shine 'em up! We do ladies shoes, too!"

I think my problem is that my shoes only cost $40 to begin with, so for the cost of having my shoes shined every week, I could just buy new shoes every month...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Color Would You Call This?

Besides ugly, of course. Avis calls it gold. I think that is an understatement. I'm not sure the picture does the color justice.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Off My Game

The room I'm in this week is in a different part of the hallway and has a different layout. The biggest casualty of this is the placement of the outlets. The only one near the bed is behind the headboard with two lamps plugged in. The others are across the room where my laptop cord will not reach. How am I supposed to spend mindless hours on the internet, whoops, I mean study for my test, when I have to sit up on the end of the bed?

By the way, I have the strangest color car ever. Tomorrow I will take a picture. I would do it now but I would have to go down to the parking garage in my pajamas and, well, tomorrow it is. Gives you something to look forward to!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Green Forks and Stubby Pencils

The office I work in has made several initiatives towards being green, including eliminating plastic silverware. Overall, I support this. However, it introduces complications for travelers who may not have a supply of silverware. As I was eating my carry out lunch with the supplied fork, my fork snapped in half, or maybe less than half, leaving me no choice to eat the remainder of my noodles with a two inch fork. For some reason this reminds me of the kids in B's class that write with the tiny pencil stubs and get them stuck in the electric pencil sharpener.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I Have Ross Rage

Someone ate my lunch today. This is the first time I have ever brought my lunch here. I stopped at the grocery store on my way from the airport and bought a Lean Cuisine panini. I got to the office and put it in the freezer. This was about 10:45. When I came back at noon to get it, it was gone. I looked at all the others and there was nothing even like my panini. So then I had to go out and buy another lunch. So I felt like Ross in Friends when someone eats his sandwich.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dracula, Your Baggage Can Be Claimed on Carousel 3

As I was waiting for my luggage, the first box onto the carousel is a big box marked all over with Human Blood. You would think someone would be waiting there to retrieve, but it was still going around when I left.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No Hungry Dogs in the Airport

As I was going through airport security, I noticed stickers on the sides of the little bowls that you put your keys and such in to go through the scanner. They are pet dishes!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not Always What You Think

Today when I went to buy my Diet Coke, I pushed the button and then heard a dull thud. Not the usual banging. Having had problems with this pop machine before, I suspected the same. Much to surprise, the dull thud was caused by my Diet Coke landing on two bottles of water. Who buys two waters and doesn't take them? Or did they just fall out in the night? Interesting.