Monday, April 30, 2012

Four Pots

I tried to think of a clever title but nothing came to me.  For record keeping sake, I am posting "before" pics of my four pots I planted.  These are carefully planned, so we will track their progress to see if it does anybody than my usual random planting.

This one has fuschia in it so not sure how that will do.
Starting with already started caladiums:

This one has the farthest to go.  A canna in the middle will hopefully make an appearance.  The pot itself doesn't look too swell I see.
I think this is the one I'm most excited about.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

That Will be 50 Dollars

The hotel we stayed at this week has self-pay parking and when you have a room, they add it to your key card and you can use that to get in and out of the lot.  When we were leaving the hotel Thursday at 5:45 a.m. to drive to the airport, we had already checked out and I gave the front desk my key.

Well, of course we couldn't get out.  I tried pushing the "Push for Assistance" button and was connected to the hold music and no one every answered.  I tried pushing the Lost Receipt button.  The machine's response?  "Fifty dollars, please." I think not.  At least it was polite.  Luckily another guy came up to the gate at that point and we used his card to get out.  Turns out he works there.  Whatever.  This, by the way, is not the first time I've tangled with a parking garage "attendant." 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Who's a Taurus?

Bailey is! Happy birthday today to Bailey! She looks grumpy in most of the pictures so this is the best we got.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Clean Clothes

Er... they were. Reminds me of this lolcat.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


As of today, I have had my Fitbit for one year, and other than one hike in Kodachrome State Park, I think I've worn it for pretty much all my steps. Since we all know I like to see the numbers, here they are:

  • 4,681,146 steps

  • 2,062.34 miles

  • One day with more than 30,000 steps (Oct. 9, 2011)

  • Five days with more than 25,000 steps

  • 13 days with more than 20,000 steps

  • 140 days with more than 15,000 steps

  • 292 days with more than 10,000 steps. This was my initial goal. I was actually surprised there were that many days that I did not have 10,000, but I haven't had a day lower than 10,000 since Nov. 1 until this week. Not bad for winter!
So I figure that's probably at least 30% more activity than I was getting before I got the Fitbit. I'd say it is a success!

[Note: While I am still excited about these results, they are tempered by my less than stellar results for the past six days as my injured ankle has greatly suppressed my activities. My lowest daily total ever, 2818, was this past Friday. Grrr!]

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Birthday Girl!

Today Riley is 10! That's hard to believe. As usual she was hard to photograph because she likes to be as close to me as possible but I was able to distract her with this tiny box. She and Bailey both fancy themselves Maru lately with this box.